Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Into this world of darkness I go,
Trying not to allow my fear to show;
Finally I let go of the warmth from my mother’s hand,
Now is the time to make my own stand;
I fear the darkness that lay ahead,
Yet I have something to abate my fear, my dread;

The One who redeemed me by his death,
Who saved me from the devil’s fiery breath;
He pulled me from the muck and mire,
No longer should I fear the funeral pyre;
For in the darkness lies pain and strife,
The only thing it can rob me of is life;

And if it does, and one day it will,
My soul will be free, no longer still;
For though this darkness may think it has won,
My struggle with it is over and done;
For my soul is protected by arms from above,
My heart so full and bursting with love;

So I tell you, dear friends, when troubles you meet,
Trust in the Lord and he will keep you on your feet;
He fashioned you into the wonderful creature you are,
So when you walk in the darkness you will shine like a heavenly star;
And when the darkness causes you a life full of pain,
Remember what riches abound when you call on His name.

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